Mobile push notifications help you improve client engagement by sending timely and personalized alerts, reminders, and notifications about news, treatments, follow-up, and other health-related information. By keeping your clients informed and engaged, you improve patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment plans, and ultimately, health outcomes.
Mobile push notifications can help increase efficiency by automating routine communications tasks. For example, notice of upcoming appointments, reminders of benefits use before year-end and notification of a newsletter. This saves time and resources, allowing you to focus on keeping people healthy.
Mobile push notifications contribute to better health outcomes by providing clients with relevant and timely information about their health. New research, reminder and resource alerts and prompting to take action if necessary are powerful tools to help manage clients health effectively and improve outcomes.
Mobile app push notifications increase business service utilization by keeping users informed about relevant updates and promotions, and by reminding them to take actions related to the service. This timely and personalized communication helps to increase engagement and drive usage of the app and its services.
If you offer products to support your patients health outcomes, mobile push notifications help create awareness of what you offer. They encourage purchase either online or in-person at the clinic. and you can personalize push notifications based on any number of criteria like treatment groups or time of year.
In-app messages boast an astonishing 28% click through rate. Source: Reckless
In-app message drive your audience
to take action
Reach customers when they are
most likely to be interested
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